Oceanside records

all rights. reserved
oceanside / Home to Independent Artists
record label that cares
We believe in the power of music and are dedicated to backing talented artists. we strive to make the world a happier place one song at a time.
  • keep all of your revenue
    Your tunes are your investment of hours; make every beat count for cash.
  • release when you feel right
    It's up to you when your tracks drop for the world to hear. Master the art of relaxation and guard your mental well-being.
  • get detailed analytics
    No listener will overlook your sound. Dive deep into understanding your crowd for ultimate triumph.
/ oceanside is not an aggregator /
At Oceanside, your creativity is our priority. We provide transparent, hassle-free partnerships that let you focus solely on your music while you retain all of your streaming revenue. Join us and experience a label that truly supports and values your artistic journey.
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music Playlisted?

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steady. ready. GO!
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